Hanfmedizin by dr. Tanja Bagar


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Konoplja v medicini je pionirsko delo na slovenskem jezikovnem področju. Knjiga je prvotno izšla v nemščini, slovenska izdaja pa je posodobljena in razširjena. Doc. dr. Tanja Bagar z avtoriteto uveljavljene znanstvenice s področja biomedicine prepričljivo predstavlja znanstvene temelje uporabe konoplje v medicini.

Osvežujoča je avtoričina razumljiva interpretacija znanstvenih dejstev o delovanju telesa na celičnem nivoju. Običajnemu bralcu na strnjen način predstavi zapletene telesne sisteme kot so npr. imunski sistem, živčevje ali prebavni sistem in njihovo medsebojno povezanost. Za vsakega izmed sistemov pojasni, kako se v njem izraža endokanabinoidni sistem in s tem vpliva na njegovo delovanje.

Delo je dragocen doprinos tudi v zakladnico literature, namenjene medicinski stroki. Predstavljena je farmakološka vloga endokanabinoidnega sistema pri nastanku in poteku nekaterih najpogostejših bolezni, ki se jih (lahko) zdravi s konopljo, ali pa se z njo vsaj lajšajo simptomi: vnetja in z njimi povezane bolečine, nekatere najpogostejše vrste raka, nevrološke bolezni, kot so multipla skleroza, epilepsija in Parkinsonova bolezen, razpoloženjska neravnovesja in stres. Opisana je učinkovitost terapije s kanabinoidnimi pripravki in uporaba kanabinoidov v kombinaciji z uveljavljenimi konvencionalnimi terapijami.

Določena najsodobnejša spoznanja znanosti o delovanju človeškega telesa so laičnemu bralcu le redko dostopna na tako pregleden in razumljiv način. Obenem so predstavljeni osnovni kriteriji kakovostnih konopljinih oz. CBD izdelkov. Predstavljena so tveganja pri uporabi ter načini varne uporabe in doziranja.

Ko boste knjigo prebrali, boste bolje razumeli napovedi, da bo v 10 letih, kolikor bo verjetno vsaj še potrebno, da se konoplja popolnoma uveljavi v medicini, okoli 10-20% vseh protokolov zdravljenja vključevalo tudi kanabinoide.

Additional information

Weight 0,2 kg
Dimensions 25 × 15 × 2 cm

about author

Tanja Bagar is the CEO and Chairman of the Expert Council of the International Institute for cannabinoids. She is a deputy director in the company that operates in the field of research, development and trade and also the head of research and development in an environmental company. She is active in the academic sphere. She lectures microbiology and topics on ecoremediation at the Faculty Alma Mater Europaea and cooperates scientifically with the Austrian College of Health and Development. She is a member of the Pomurje Academy of Arts and Sciences, Slovenian Biochemical Society, the Slovenian Association of Psychologists and is one of the founders of the society for the preservation and protection of the environment. She has extensive research experience gained in the laboratory at the National Institute of Chemistry, the Faculty of Biotechnology, the National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food, in the Topolšica Hospital and abroad at the Institute of Microbiology and Genetics at the Georg-August University of Gottingen in Germany and at the Institute for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh.
Since 2013, she participates as a peer reviewer for the national competition of research projects, organized by the Association for Technical Culture of Slovenia. For her social engagement she received a special recognition from the Slovenian Microbiological Society for participation in the promotion of microbiology, a special recognition in the frame of the Slovenian social responsibility award HORUS and an invitation to become a honorary member of the social cooperative KonopKo.
She attended various conferences on cannabinoids and endocannabinoid system at national and international levels. She holds knowledge in the fields of microbiology, cell biology, biochemistry and molecular biology in conjunction with the endocannabinoid system and the functioning of cannabinoids, laboratory analysis … She has completed an intensive four week e-education program Concepts of Cannabis Science I, carried out by Kenevir Research (Oregon, USA), and also follow-up program Concepts of Cannabis Science II.
Tanja Bagar was awarded a reward for talented students during her graduate studies of microbiology at the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana and her bachelor thesis received the Preseren-Prize, a top national prise for study achievements.
She continued postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, and received a Ph.D. in the field of biomedical sciences. As a young researcher she was awarded the Krka reward for special achievements in the field of research, for the successful completion of the doctoral thesis she also received the municipality golden plaquette. She also completed the professional exam for at the Ministry of health.
In 2022 seh was accepted as a first Non-american to the governing board of the american society Doctors for Cannabis Regulation.