BRAIN FRIEND – neuroprotective formula Cannabinoid Clinic
38,90 €
BRAIN FRIEND – neuroprotective cannabinoid-terpene formula. 600 mg cannabinoids, 200 mg terpenes
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Benefits of cannabinoids and terpenes for nervous system and brain health
All the elements of the endocannabinoid system can be found in the nervous system. First cannabinoids were isolated from brain, and also CB1 receptors were identified for the first time exactly in the nervous system. As it was clear from the first discoveries that ECS has an important role in nervous system functioning, a major part of the researches focused on this particular connection. Cannabinoids are retrograde signalling molecules that regulate the transmission of signals through the nervous system. The ECS is also involved in synapse formation and neurogenesis (the formation of new nerve cells), and regulates many neural functions such as cognition, motor control, feeding, behaviour, emotion, and pain.
ECS dysfunction is known to be a key factor in many neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety. Therefore, ECS is a good therapeutic target. Hemp’s therapeutic potentials are well researched, especially in neurodegenerative diseases. These are chronic and progressive diseases characterised by the gradual loss of neurons in specific areas of the central nervous system. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, multiple sclerosis (MS) and cerebral ischaemia have the highest global incidence. Causes and symptoms of these diseases are different, but have some common elements, such as neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, protein misfolding, and mitochondrial dysfunction. There are currently no effective treatments for these diseases, and existing therapies focus on treating symptoms and slowing their progression. Looking at the role of the ECS in the nervous system, there are good prospects that cannabinoids will have a beneficial effect on the course and symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases. This is supported by pre-clinical research with cannabinoids, which has shown a reduction and protection of inflammation in the nervous system.
- Cannabidiol or CBD
CBD’s effect on the nervous system is well studied. Positive effects have been demonstrated in various research models as well as in clinical practice. CBD protects nervous system’s functioning under stressful conditions and prevents the neurotoxicity that is known to occur with chronic stress. It works well in epilepsy, especially in persistent forms of epilepsy. The anticonvulsant effect of CBD has been unequivocally proven, but not all its mechanisms of action have been elucidated, despite many studies using different models and study conditions. Part of the effect is certainly due to CBD binding to cannabinoid receptors, but there are also effects that are receptor-independent. CBD has also been shown to have an effect on calcium signalling, which is important in epilepsy, and to have a protective effect on neuronal mitochondria, the power plants in the nervous system.
CBD has been well studied in various experimental models of Alzheimer’s disease, where many different and important effects have been demonstrated. CBD inhibits the formation of amyloid plaques, reduces free radical production and lipid peroxidation (fat oxidation). It has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and can reduce the formation of beta-amyloid plaques. CBD affects glial cell function and cytokine expression, reducing inflammatory responses.
In Parkinson’s disease, CBD effectively protects dopaminergic neurons from dying and slows down the breakdown of dopamine by activating the enzyme that produces it.
CBD also has a place in multiple sclerosis, as its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiemetic and neutorotective properties have a positive effect on the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, such as fatigue, pain, spasticity, and mobility.
- Cananbidiolic acid or CBDA
CBD acts as a COX-2 inhibitor. These are receptors that are, among others, present in the central nervous system and are responsible for inflammatory processes. Inflammation is decreased by blocking these receptors, and this is also functioning mechanism of the majority of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, such as ibuprofen and aspirin. The researches show that CBDA is even more efficient in inhibiting COX-2 than the stated medicines and has anti-inflammatory effect on the entire nervous system. CBDA’s antioxidant properties are also important in protecting nervous system and brain. CBDA has been shown to be very effective in catching free radicals under physiological conditions and in neutralising them, allowing irritated nerve cells to function better.
- Cannabigerol or CBG
CBG has important effects on nervous system as it binds to several receptor types, both cannabinoid receptors, is an antagonist of TRPV8 and an agonist of TRPV1, TRPV2, TRPA1, TRPV3, TRPV4, and α2-adrenoceptors. CBG is a strong antagonist of the TRPM8 receptor. For the nervous system, it is also important that it is also a 5-HT1A serotonin receptor antagonist and a gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) re-uptake inhibitor. It is also a strong inhibitor of anandamide uptake and an inhibitor of the important enzyme lipoxygenase. The effects of CBG that have been demonstrated on the nervous system are anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiapoptotic. A combination of CBD and CBG is especially efficient which has proven in studies and clinical practice to be extremely effective in reducing inflammation, neuropathic pain and many diseases of the nervous system that have an inflammatory component. In addition, the formulation has neuroprotective effect and protects nervous system functioning in major stress events, either from environmental toxins, stress, or perpetual psychological or physical strain.
- Lime essential oil
Lime essential oil contains various terpenes, ketones, and aldehydes. Among these, beta-pinene and limonene are important. The former affects the monoaminergic system in the brain and balances the secretion of neurotransmitters. Limonene, among other things, stimulates the production of glutathione, an antioxidant produced in our bodies. It balances immune response and accelerates tissue healing. Glutathione also helps regenerate the blood brain barrier and acts as a kind of natural chelator, binding toxins and eliminating them. Lime essential oil activates the parasympathetic nervous system and regulates vagus nerve activity.
- Clove essential oil
Clove essential oil contains various terpenes and even more important phenolic acids and flavonoids. Clove essential oil lowers a feeling of stress and decreases stress related high blood pressure. It has a positive effect on vagus nerve activation and activates the parasympathetic nervous system. In our nervous system, it triggers the release of acetylcholine, which is the main neurotransmitter of the central nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system. Phenolic acids play an important antioxidant role and maintain the redox potential of neurons. Flavonoids from clove essential oil reduce inflammation in the brain by significantly reducing the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
- Frankincense essential oil
Eterično olje frankincense vsebuje seskviterpene, ki prehajajo čez možgansko krvno bariero in povečujejo ravni kisika v možganskih regijah okrog epifize in hipofize, ki sta kot nekakšna komandna centra za naš živčni in hormonski sistem.
Frankincense essential oil contains sesquiterpenes, which cross the blood brain barrier and increase oxygen levels in the brain regions around the pineal gland and pituitary gland, which are some kind of command centres for our nervous and hormonal systems.
Author: dr. Tanja Bagar, assist. prof.
Read more in the adjacent tab Science on nervous system
Additional information
Opcije | 10ml, 30ml |
science on nervous system
The importance of cannabinoids and terpenes for nervous system
Nervous system is one of the more complex parts of our anatomy and physiology, coordinating functioning of our body by sending signals to and from different parts of the body. Nervous system helps us detect our surroundings and works with other body systems so we can respond to these stimuli. Nervous tissue is evolutionarily well-preserved, and is thought to have originated from 550 to 600 million years ago. In vertebrates, it consists of two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). A very simple explanation is that brain and spinal cord are CNS, and everything else belongs to PNS. A basic unit of the nervous system is a neuron – a nerve cell, of which there are 100 million in the body, 86 million in the brain. In addition to neurones, CNS and PNS also contain glial cells, which support the function and activity of neurons. Today, we know that glial cells not only have a supporting function, but also perform several other tasks. The term “glia” literally means glue. Neurons have a soma, or neuron body, with a nucleus and cytoplasm, and dendrites – the processes that give neurons their characteristic shape. The fibre that connects a neuron to its target is called an axon. These are the long excrescences from the nerve cell that carry the action potential from the body of the neuron to the cell’s periphery. Axons are surrounded by myelin, which is rich in lipids. Information passes from one neuron to another via a synapse. This is a small slot through which an electrical or chemical signal is passed to the next neuron.
ECS dysfunction is known to be a key factor in many neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety. Therefore, ECS is a good therapeutic target. Hemp’s therapeutic potentials are well researched, especially in neurodegenerative diseases. These are chronic and progressive diseases characterised by the gradual loss of neurons in specific areas of the central nervous system. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, multiple sclerosis (MS) and cerebral ischaemia have the highest global incidence. Causes and symptoms of these diseases are different, but have some common elements, such as neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, protein misfolding, and mitochondrial dysfunction. There are currently no effective treatments for these diseases, and existing therapies focus on treating symptoms and slowing their progression. Looking at the role of the ECS in the nervous system, there are good prospects that cannabinoids will have a beneficial effect on the course and symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases. This is supported by pre-clinical research with cannabinoids, which has shown a reduction and protection of inflammation in the nervous system.
Author: dr. Tanja Bagar, assist. prof.
recommended use
Na splošno je oralna absorpcija kanabinoidov zelo nizka. Le približno 3-10% zaužitih kanabinoidov doseže kri. Na absorpcijo CBD pomembno vplivata dva dejavnika: različna presnova pri vsakem posamezniku in absorpcijski potencial CBD-olja (najvišjega ima CBD olje polnega spektra z zadostno količino CBDa, najnižjega pa izolirani CBD).
Vsak posameznik mora sam najti ustrezen peroralni odmerek kanabinoidne formulacije. Priporočamo, da začnete s samo 2-3 mg (1-2 kapljicami) in povečujete dnevni odmerek za kapljico ali dve. Bolniki s hudimi težavami potrebujejo odmerke do 100 mg dnevno. Običajni dnevni odmerek je med 15-30 mg. Kanabinoidno formulacijo nakapate pod jezik in ga tam zadržite minuto, lahko tudi dlje. Del CBD-ja se bo absorbiral skozi kapilare pod jezikom in njegov učinek se zazna že po približno 15 minutah. Nato CBD kapljice pogoltnete. Po zaužitju traja približno eno uro in pol, da doseže CBD svojo najvišjo raven v krvi. Učinek CBD-ja počasi izzveni v 4-8 urah po zaužitju.
Absorpcijo kanabinoidov lahko občutno izboljšamo, če jih zaužijemo po obroku, zlasti takšnem, ki je bogat z maščobami.
Pomembno: kanabinoidi inhibirajo (upočasnijo) delovanje jetrne encimske skupine CYP450, ki presnavlja številna zdravila. Na splošno to povzroči višjo raven teh zdravil v krvi. To morate upoštevati in se pogovoriti s svojim zdravnikom, da bo prilagodil (verjetno znižal) odmerek zdravila. Pri količinah do 30 mg kanabinoidov (cca 15 kapljic) do resnejše interakcije z večino zdravil še ne prihaja.